Big Picture
So, it turns out I’m not a real blogger. Well, at least not the kind I thought I could be: the spill-all, TMI, mommy blogger (with some strong opinions on other topics). I have the strong opinions part down, but the spill-all, TMI part is just not my thing apparently.
In the last few weeks, I have gone through some pretty difficult stuff. Big stuff. Bad stuff. Life-altering stuff. And, turns out, I don’t want to scream it from the mountaintops. I had no interest in writing out the nitty gritty details for all to read, despite the fact that 1 in 4 women can relate and I was scouring the internet to read other people’s experiences, and thinking “you’d think someone would have written a blog about this…” (They probably have, I just didn’t find one I was interested in reading.)
But as a writer, even if it’s just a fake wannabe blogger, I feel obligated to offer my loyal readers some explanation for the dearth of blog posts and to let you know that I hope to get this site back on track. It just might take a little bit and I hope you’ll have some patience with me. (Although if the Supreme Court keeps up its current movement toward conservative judicial activism, anger will overtake me sooner rather than later.)
So, here is my explanation minus all the lugubrious details: Pregnant for a second time. Nausea. 10 weeks. Bleeding. Nausea. Ultrasound. No heartbeat. More bleeding. More Nausea. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Surgery scheduled for tomorrow. No big deal. Until it happens to you.

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