Kick ‘Em While They’re Down
I think we can all agree that Louisiana has had a rough couple of years. With the exception of the brief shining moment when the Saints won the Superbowl, most of the news out of the state has been, well, depressing. The devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina still factors into the daily lives of Louisianans. And now the oil spill. One was nature’s wrath. One was corporate error. But the main victims in these tragedies are the same: every day residents of the Gulf Coast and the environment.
So, what is a Louisiana State Senator to do to keep up the spirits of his constituents? Well, if you’re Republican State Senator Robert Adley, you look them in the eye and tell them to f*#k themselves. With stunning disregard for local events, Adley has decided that allowing the Tulane Environmental Law Clinic (TELC) to continue representing the poorest of the poor against illegal and irresponsible government and corporate action is simply bad business. So Adley is proposing a State Senate Bill that will deny state funding to university-based law clinics that have the audacity to bring suit against a government entity or businesses. Apparently Adley’s puppet-master, the Louisiana Chemical Association, is fed up with those pesky law students forcing chemical companies and government agencies to take ridiculous actions like following and enforcing the law!
I mean, really, can’t someone just cut these companies some slack? What’s the worst that could happen?? Oh yeah…

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I wish we could put you on the Supreme Court! But I really don’t think we’ll ever get anyone who thinks people are more important than corporations confirmed again.
Check out this article.