Day 1: Pin Cushion Binky
Mission: Use pin to puncture tip of each binky several times. Do not deny binky. Do not acknowledge change in binky. If one binky is rejected and another requested, provide another binky with same puncturing.
Objective: To allow airflow and reduce suckling sensation.
Tantrum Threat Level: LOW. Lilly frequently punctures her binky with her teeth. It is unlikely that this will reduce binky usage.
Progress: Not really. Lilly used the binky as much if not more than a typical day since I was not denying any requests for it. She did not seem to notice any difference. She did, however, let me leave her room at bedtime and stay out for approximately 1 minute before requesting a binky.
Analysis: Lilly is still attached to her binky. The best explanation for the bedtime anomaly is that she was distracted by her own screaming to ask for the binky sooner.

The Day 1: Pin Cushion Binky by MushBrain, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Terms and conditions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
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