Hello Kitty
Who knew there was so much to say about binkies?? I swear I’m almost off this topic.
As I said before, Lilly hasn’t quite returned to her effortless sleep habits since we took away the binky. There’s been more procrastination and more crying, but eventually a full night of uninterrupted sleep. Then Elliott had the great idea of getting Lilly something new to keep in the crib with her so that she might look foward to bedtime a little more. The problem was that Lilly already has several “lovies” that she has to have with her every night: “Purple” (her purple blanket), “Lamby” (a little stuffed lamb), “Big Lamby” (I’ll give you one guess . . .), and “Sophie” (a hand-knit rabbit from Aunt Liz and, not surprisingly, the only one we didn’t name). So, as you can see it’s getting a bit crowded in there. Plus she sleeps with a pillow. Oh, a pillow! How about a pillowcase?
Off to Target we went to find the perfect pillowcase for Lilly to snuggle with at night. It was a tough decision between monkeys, Hello Kitty and Tinkerbell but in the end, Lilly was no competition for cutesy Japanese marketing.
Lilly was excited to get into bed with her new pillow. Then as I walked out of the room listening to Lilly chat with her new feline friend rather than crying “Mommy,” I realized that it wasn’t the power of Sanrio or even her love of animals that attracted her to this kitty. She had found a kindred spirit. Someone who could understand what her parents couldn’t. She was sitting up pointing to each part of Hello Kitty:
“Pink bow.”
Yep, in Lilly’s world, that’s not Hello Kitty’s nose. It’s her binky.
Whatever gets her through the night.

The Hello Kitty by MushBrain, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Terms and conditions beyond the scope of this license may be available at mushbrain.net.
That is totally priceless! : )
So cute! I had to read back a bunch before figuring out what a ‘binky’ was… here most people say ‘pacifier’ though I say ‘soother’, which has since been abbreviated to ‘susie’… Ah, the vocabulary one acquires when a child is born! 🙂
Yeah, my use of “binky” confuses a lot of people. My brother used it with his kids and it just stuck. My toddler vocab is always evolving – just wait til I get to potty training! 🙂
That is just precious! Btw, looking forward to reading about your triumphs and tribulations with potty training. 🙂
Too funny, I just read your above comment after I typed mine. 🙂