Toddler Speak
The best thing about having a two year old is hearing the hilarious things that she says. Lilly cracks me up on a daily basis with her observations, questions and comments. Here’s a sampling from recent days:
“Who’s this big guy?” (pointing to Daddy)
“Bye Emu! Going to see ducks and have my drink!” (talking to an emu…obviously)
Elliott: “What do you want to be when you grow up, Lilly?”
Lilly: “A woman.”
Upon running out of food to feed the ducks, “You have enough, ducks?”
Lilly (calling up the stairs): “Mommy, what you doing?”
Me: “I’m changing.”
Lilly: “You need a diaper?”
“Where’s my [va]gina? There it is!” (in peek-a-boo fashion)
Me: “Lilly, do you like babies?”
Lilly: “Yeah…. And ducks!”
Elliott: “Did you like your pudding?”
Lilly: “Awesoooome.” (with double thumbs-up)

The Toddler Speak by MushBrain, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Terms and conditions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
The kids things say are seriously the best! I love this post & I can’t wait until my little one starts coming out with some fun things!
Stopping by from MBC! Feel free to check me out at!
Love it! Wait till they get old enough to tell you that in a certain light they can see hair on your face…….. And believe me, they’ll tell you!