Item 1: Gather Thoughts
When I first started this blog, “mushbrain” seemed an apt description of myself following the birth of my first child.* Now, following the birth of my second child, it would be a generous description. I believe I am now the mushiest of mushbrains.
As this post will no doubt demonstrate, my brain is atwitter with everything and absolutely nothing at once lately. Following a single train of thought is a challenge. Full, comprehensible sentences do not come easily. Words? Sure I can do that. It will most likely be mumbled jibberish under my breath, but I know words. Sentences? Not so much.
There is, however, one written form that has been pouring out of me lately. Brace yourself. It’s very exciting….lists! Nope, nope. Not exciting at all. But still. I got ’em covered.
There is no limit to what I am capable of forgetting these days.** I write lists for everything these days. Everything. I have lists of things to buy, and things to do. That’s 3 to-do lists: things to do now, later, and whenever. I have a list of blog posts to write and a list of admin changes to make to the blog. I have lists of questions for pediatricians, lists of milestones to document, and a list of crafts to finish. I have lists of presents to buy, and a list of books to read. I have lists of pictures to print, people to call, thank-you cards to write and things to google. I have a list of things I need to do to get organized and a list of things to organize. This list of my lists could go on and on and, as if that wasn’t enough, I also have a running list in my head of lists I need to list. At this very moment, I can scan my immediate vicinity and see no fewer than nine lists. I have a problem.
Nevertheless, if I’m ever going to get this blog thing moving again I just have to jump in and do it. That’s going to mean playing to my strengths for a while. So brace yourself. Mushbrain is up and running again. I hope you like lists!
*See my about page which hasn’t been updated since I started this ride. I’ll add that to my to-do list.
**Here’s where I realize there’s still a lawyer in me somewhere. I feel compelled to note that if this blog post is ever subpoenaed for purposes of litigation, that sentence is indeed hyperbole. Ok, carry on.

The Item 1: Gather Thoughts by MushBrain, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Terms and conditions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
I have all those lists as well, but got smart and put them in my phone. Now when I find my phone, I’ll know just what to do.