An Award? For Little Ol’ Me?
In just 9 days I will celebrate 1 year of blogging on MushBrain — that is to say, 1 year of blogging anywhere. This little hobby started shortly after Lilly was born with a few modest goals: (1) to memorialize some of the precious events of Lilly’s early days with more detail than my memory can retain; (2) to force myself to write something creative on a regular basis; and (3) to force myself to think about and keep up with topics unrelated to babies. And in the process if a few loyal readers found and enjoyed my work, or if it helped me take the next step toward writing for money in some form, it would just be icing on the cake.
Since 9 of my last 11 posts were about binkies, I think it’s safe to say that last goal sort of fell by the wayside. But the first two, I think, are going pretty well. I captured in writing milestones in Lilly’s life that are already fading from my memory — like her early days of signing and her blossoming friendship with The Nut. I have also been able to use my blog posts as a springboard for developing writing submissions to print publications. Those two facts are reward enough for the efforts I’ve put into MushBrain.
Then, lo and behold, icing! A lovely woman named Theresa, who blogs at about the ups and downs of getting fit while raising a family, nominated me for a Versatile Blogger Award! Now I realize this isn’t a Pulitzer Prize or anything. But this was rather thrilling for me because I actually didn’t think I had readers other than friends, family and the occasional drop-ins! So the news that I did, and that I was getting an award . . . well, it was pretty friggin’ awesome. So this award is exciting for me on several levels and I want to give Theresa a heartfelt thank you for nominating MushBrain.
Finally, the rules of the award require me to:
- Thank the person who gave me the award. (See above, and my comments here and here. I’m nothing if not thorough.)
- Share 7 things about myself. (That will be coming soon since I’ve already blathered on for an eternity about myself in this post.)
- Nominate bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic. (Also coming soon. Hey, there’s no rule against savoring the moment.)
- Let the nominees know about the award. (Obviously nominations will come first.)
I’ll get working on my 7 things for tomorrow. And, in the meantime, if you have any blogs that you think are worthy of the award, let me know in comments and I will check them out. I hope to get my nominations posted by Monday at the latest.

The An Award? For Little Ol’ Me? by MushBrain, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Terms and conditions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
Hey that’s awesome! Congrats!
A well deserved bit of praise! Always love your views and experiences on everyday life with Lilly. More than once I’ve sat here in stitches as I read your blog!
Thanks, ladies!