For a while now I’ve been toying with the idea of having a section of the blog called FABMA. No, it’s not another cutesy abbreviation for the latest Hollywood “it” couple. (Fabio Viviani and Padma Lakshmi, maybe?) It’s an acronym for what pops into my head every time I read or see something from Fox News: “fair and balanced, my ass.” read more…
With heavy eyelids,
baby weeps but never sleeps.
An ache in her ears.
read more…
Praise the lord . . . or whatever spirit, god or power intervenes when an exhausted mother begs, “please, PLEASE, do not let this be the end of two naps a day!” According to the Bible — my bible, that is, Dr. Marc Weissbluth’s Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
— Lilly is just about at the age where she should be dropping her morning nap. That would leave her (and me) just one nap in read more…
There are many reasons why raising a child alongside a family pet is a good idea. Some scientific research has shown that when infants are exposed to pets in their first year of life they are significantly less likely to develop certain common allergies and asthma. I also believe that young children who live with pets have an opportunity to learn and experience some important read more…
So, if you ever wondered whether toilet water could creep up a poop-caked onesie if you left just one small section hanging into the water to soak overnight, I assure you, it can.
I’ve had a hard time motivating in the last couple weeks. I just sort of hit a wall. Not just with my blogging, but with life in general. I can give you a million excuses why: Lilly’s been teething and wasn’t sleeping well, so neither was I. Then my insomnia kicked in, so I’m dead tired. And it’s cold again and I hate cold weather. It makes me depressed. Also, I’ve been struggling with some questions read more…
“When you are through changing, you are through.” -Bruce Barton

This whole Roman Polanski thing is just outrageous. Sad and outrageous. Sad because it seems that the real tragedy of this story is lost on some people. It is NOT that an Oscar-winning director was duped into a Swiss prison cell when he read more…
Several years ago, a coworker told me that her nephew was learning sign language in daycare and I was fascinated. It had never occurred to me that a baby might have the mental capacity to communicate so articulately before having the oral motor skills to form words. But apparently they do. Genius! I had no idea when I’d read more…
If you sensed a little hostility toward the FDA in my last (very brief) post, you’re right. It’s mainly because I have no faith in the agency to determine what is safe for my family and me. And since that is its function, I find it frustrating. I first started paying attention to this when my sister was preparing for her first child and kept read more…
The other problem with severing ties with my firm…no firm laptop. Ugh. Bear with me. I just need to get situated with my new computer arrangement. There’s more to come from MushBrain.
In the meantime, if you need some brain exercise, check out this recent article from the New York Times. Man, the FDA makes me mad.